If you would like to explore how a customized keynote presentation by Robert B. Tucker could enhance your meeting, please contact us at:

TEL: (805) 252-9259 or use the form below

    “Whatever your position, profession, or industry, improving your ability to innovate – to problem solve, experiment, collaborate, and drive growth – will give you a competitive edge that can never be taken away.”
    – Robert B. Tucker


    Innovation Resource Consulting Group
    Santa Barbara, California 93110
    United States of America
    For general inquiries contact us at (805) 252-9259
    Office hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm PST Monday thru Friday

    Robert Tucker was, I’ll say, perfect! He really lit up the crowd, and judging by all the chatter at the conference following, he sparked a lot of thoughts on building innovation culture.

    Ray Buschmann
    Manager Marketing Solutions

    Robert’s book Managing the Future: 10 Driving Forces of Change is a lucid, practical guid to total quality in business. There is no enterprise that would not benefit by responding to these important trends.

    Dr. Andrew S. Grove
    Co-founder and former Chief Executive Officer

    Your presentation was very well received… attendees have been asking for the slides.

    Missouri Bankers Association
    Max Cook
    President & CEO
    Missouri Bankers Association